Jacob Lagerros

I'm the founder of Ulyssean, where we build mission-critical tooling for AGI data centers.

I'm also a licensed pilot and full-stack developer. In the past I was a researcher at Oxford and co-founder of Lightcone Infrastructure.

Interests: computing (end-to-end from wafer through bytecode to browser), manufacturing, aviation, operations

Contact: my_first_name + my_middle_initial + my_last_name @ gmail.com. My middle initial is "k".

On my mind, July 30 19, 2024.

physical unclonable functions + MEMS + zero knowledge proofs --- provable machines?

Jun 19, 2024.

What would it take to produce a zero knowledge proof of the full execution trace of a 100T param inference run, with end-to-end latency <1 day?